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MONOPOLY Game App Reviews
fun but...
I now how to play monopoly, and I started by putting all AI to level 1. It turned out great until the end! It was a one versus one with me having all but the green properties. And every lap around the board I would ALWAYS LAND ON HIS HOTELS on green properties! RIGEED
Bad ai
Unbalanced AI. Stacked waaay to far in computers favor.
When playing wirelessly wether Bluetooth or wifi and the screen goes off the game gets disconnected and you cant reconnect no matter what. This a must fix. Also Bluetooth only allows one phone to connect. Why not have it where we connect with a code to the host and we play without the need of wifi or Bluetooth.
Great Game, hard to play colorblind
Hasbro, PLEASE change the color scheme a little bit. The blue and purple look IDENTICAL to me and I can never differentiate, making it so hard for me to play. The other colors (I dont know what they are) are at least distinguishable from each other. I know other color blind people may have it worse than me, but the blue and purple look so much alike its ruining my experience. Please update the game and make the blue like white or black or brown or SOMETHING.
Game is rigged
It is incredible how the other AIs land on the space before your monopoly 15 times in a row. Ironically I didnt own that spot. I red some of the reviews before and it is just not possible. Not worth playing.
Very first turn: Land on Income Tax. There goes $200. Later on: Pass Go. Land on Income Tax. Finally made my way around again. Pass Go. Land on Income Tax. Once again: Pass Go. Didnt land on Income Tax! Landed on the Railroad... owned by the AI. $200 gone again. I think this is why people say its rigged...
Beautiful Display, Moronic AI
I teach mathematics and with this subject, I teach probability. The odds of any given circumstance may be astronomical, but its never impossible in this game. However, too many of specific occurrences, namely landing on Income Tax multiple times in succession and repeatedly going to jail stretch the limits of probability. In many games, it appears my token is magnetically attracted to the fourth spot after GO. Three, four, and five successive lands on Income Tax over a large number of games (at least 120) make the claim of random rolls hollow. Trading with the AI in a two-player game guarantees a human win. The AI has no clue what a good trade is. It will accept a second utility card along with cash in exchange for two other cards which gives me two complete sets. It indeed overvalues the Utilities. Secondly, I let a game go on and build-up large amounts of cash to see how much that affects trades. The AI refused an M8,000 trade for a worthless card but accepted the trade for the same card with little cash and another worthless card. It is so eager to sell itself into losing that anyone not able to participate in trading that turn gets screwed out of a game for the same reason. But it is a visually appealing game. And on the iPhone screen, this says a lot. Just wish it wasnt like playing with five year olds. The odds of winning are greatly reduced however because the same types of trades are main between the other AI players, which
A few flaws
Pretty good app but you cant leave the game to check text or whatever, even if you hit pause. Was playing with my daughter and during her turn I was going to answer a couple of texts, paused it and got booted from the game. Cmon now. This game can last hours!
You cant win
For some reason, this game is literally designed for you to lose. I had a whole side of the board covered in hotels that 3 computers rarely landed in. All of a sudden, theyd be rolling 10s and 12s when they got near me. Even when I was close to winning, the computers would only bankrupt each other and acquire each others properties so that one would end up owning everything and beating me anyway. I can tell when its going to give me three doubles in a row for the purpose of sending me to jail or it will just give me doubles so that I can land in the computers hotel. Idk who designed this but its not random. Horrible game.
I dont get all the complaints. I win on this game all the time. Learn how to make deals people. LoL
The AI cheats horribly. The AI consistently rolls high numbers on the dice, resulting in more trips passed go, and consistently rolls doubles. EA really messed up here. I want my money back!
Stupid game
Sucked terribly I would never play again ?you really need to delete this game
Don't buy. This game is rigged. Lets you enjoy 3 wins then gets ridiculous rolls and property acquisition. Quit and restarted twice with the same exact rolls and AI property ownership. Also forces trades when you decline them. Plus AI uses money from the bank to pad its gain for houses and hotels.
Same Problems here - nobody seems to care... Should be possible by EA to supply a update within 4 weeks...
Literally a broken game
Cant even start on iPhone 7 Plus. Most of the options are off screen. Unable to select initial options to actually start a game. Never been able to get past opening option screen. Obvious resolution issues only shows a quarter of the screen and start isnt visible or able to be selected.
Shouldve read the other reviews. Absolutely dysfunctional app, not worth the $1.39 at all. Deleted within 5 mins.
Total waste of money
Just bought it. Total waste of money. Not compatible with current iOS
Issues with iOS 10???
Just purchased this for my 6s Plus. As soon as you start the app it glitches and shifts to the bottom left corner. Cant read the text and the buttons dont respond. Completely unplayable. Dont get this game if you have iOS 10.
To not buy
Does not work and company refuses to acknowledge or fix
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