Beautiful Display, Moronic AI
I teach mathematics and with this subject, I teach probability. The odds of any given circumstance may be astronomical, but its never impossible in this game. However, too many of specific occurrences, namely landing on Income Tax multiple times in succession and repeatedly going to jail stretch the limits of probability. In many games, it appears my token is magnetically attracted to the fourth spot after GO. Three, four, and five successive lands on Income Tax over a large number of games (at least 120) make the claim of random rolls hollow.
Trading with the AI in a two-player game guarantees a human win. The AI has no clue what a good trade is. It will accept a second utility card along with cash in exchange for two other cards which gives me two complete sets. It indeed overvalues the Utilities. Secondly, I let a game go on and build-up large amounts of cash to see how much that affects trades. The AI refused an M8,000 trade for a worthless card but accepted the trade for the same card with little cash and another worthless card. It is so eager to sell itself into losing that anyone not able to participate in trading that turn gets screwed out of a game for the same reason.
But it is a visually appealing game. And on the iPhone screen, this says a lot. Just wish it wasnt like playing with five year olds.
The odds of winning are greatly reduced however because the same types of trades are main between the other AI players, which
whackjobb about
MONOPOLY Game, v1.4.04