One of the reviewers mentioned a scenario where you can own the majority of the board with hotels and houses on all and the AI will manage to go around the board six times without touching any of your stuff while you on the other hand hit every tax and the chance/community chest always gives you the horrid maintenance cards. Update: I just had a game where the AI had $0 and hotels on boardwalk and park place. While I own all other properties and had hotels/houses on my properties. AI managed to go around the board once with no money and land on none of my properties while I hit both taxes, both maintenance cards, and landed on boardwalk. Not rigged at all.
MONOPOLY Game App Reviews
Too much bs chances
Decided to play on hard mode: Hit luxury tax every single time I circled the board for 17 times... complete bs. So then I decided to play easy mode... sent to jail my first two turn (hit the chance and got sent to jail, then spent the $50 only to roll doubles 3 times in a row). This is not the game you are looking for- move along
IPad version not included
I bought this app while I was out, hoping that it would be ready on my iPad by the time that I got home. It just downloaded the iPhone version, and it gave me a prompt to buy the iPad version for five dollars. Word of warming: if you want to play this game on your iPad you have to get a different app. Im actually frustrated enough with having to spend money on a useless app that I am going to complain to Apple about it.
The amount of times that the bot missed me hotel by one was too many, about 13 times, while i always landed on its whether it be 2 or 12 spots away. The bot also spammed with trades and i kept dening it but the game accepted it for me when i didnt want it to and i lost. Fix it cause the enemy gets wayyy to lucky
Pure Joke
Clearly says you can play your friends. Then read the fine print after you buy it. With a certain range. Pure crap.
This game is 100% rigged to win for the AI. Ive lost 8 out of 9 games because the AI always seems to get the best rolls 99% of the time. All this pathetic game will do is infuriate you. Its not worth a single penny, let alone $.99 cents. POS game.
Online play
I really enjoy this game I just wish there was a way to play a friend whos not in the room with you.
This whole thing is rigged.
Fun but come on!!
Ok, I know Monopoly can be brutal, but time and time again I am 1 vs 3 and I consistently land on their hotel properties while they skip over mine. Pretty crappy. I know that DOES happen in the real game but not every time especially 1 on 3.
Make the game harder again. I win all the time now.
Cant play online
#pissed why would you do this to me spent 1 dollar on this booty game ?
Game cheats
The odds that this computer overcomes is astronomical. Just perfect roll after perfect roll. All the meanwhile I roll the exact worst numbers possible. You can take advantage of trades but you will undoubtedly run into a string of "bad luck" while the computer enjoys break after break.
Improbable rolling of dice
Played many games and experienced landing in jail 5+ times in a row. Clearly something is wrong with the random-number generator in the games programming. Deleted game.
Rigged into frustration land
Bought this to kill 15 hours on an airplane. Didnt take long to realize the flaw. Its incredibly rigged. Dice rolls are laughable when you can predict what you will roll half the time near the end of the game. Wasnt surprised when i cane back and saw it was made by ea. They trash every game they ever touch. Remember spore?
Its just monopoly in an app. While its not greatest app, it meets all expectations. And to the people complaining, real life monopoly can make you tear out your hair too!
Sad game
This game is neither fair or being able to make you happy. You NEVER win!
AI absolutely cheats
Probability is totally in favor of the AI and keeps landing you in stupid locations and allows the AI to avoid landing on your properties
Make it online
i love this game . ive won & lost against the AI too many times & now i want to be able to play against real people who make real decisions...that would be the only thing i would criticize on it!
Waste of money
Very ugly visual design, unclear game rules and logics! Most importantly, the font and background music give me headache. Very ugly visual design, unclear game rules and logics! Most importantly, the font and background music give me headache.
Rigged Skynet is winning
I played several hours and none of the AI pieces land on Income Tax or on any of my squares that I own. Thank you Electronic Arts, for losing our faith in humanitys survival. Definitely dont want a game of chance. Waste of 99 cents.
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