Visually appealing, won two games but Ive played about 10 so far and the patterns become painfully obvious. If the games decides your going to lose then your going to lose.
If your first roll lands you on income tax, just go ahead and restart because its a guarantee youll land on it every single time.
as for the computers? well I owned the orange set, had a hotel on each of them and literally they got passed by, and I counted, 13 times in a row until I became in financial debt, had to sell sell sell, when there was one house on it THEN they land on it but it doesnt matter because yellow and green have become death ally.
oh and even if I managed to get lucky and by pass all that, that right you guessed it, income tax, you just whittled down to nothing.
All games played on level 2 difficulty
Heflin94 about
MONOPOLY Game, v1.4.04