Looks almost like intentional sabotage....
Below is my review of the previous version.
The property names were fixed since then, but thats it. Its still bad for two reasons--the two reasons below that have not been fixed:
1) The annoying M currency sign. This makes monetary values look pretty busy and difficult to read, when compared to the original dollar signs.
2) This is the much more serious issue. The blurriness issue has not been fixed. On my iPhone 6s, the display is still extremely blurry, which is inexcusable in that it still makes the game very hard on the eyes and is very subpar for any app on an iPhone 6, where there is no good excuse for anything less than a crystal-clear screen given the retina technology and the visual quality of other available apps. This was the most serious of my original complaints from the last version, as it is the one that continues to make the game virtually non-playable. And prior to the last version, the display had perfect clarity!
So in my opinion, this is still a very broken game. It seems like the developers wanted to get rid of the one-star reviews, so took the minimal effort to fix one of the problems, thus justifying a new version where the bad reviews wouldnt be readily apparent. No dice.
I still would not play this until the blurriness would fix, and would not recommend buying it as the blurriness puts the visual quality of this game far below anything that is even justifiable on a modern smartphone.
To the developers: until you fix the blurriness issue, thus app will continue to get bad reviews, as evidenced by the other reviews that Im seeing for the current version. There also should have been an apology, owed to all of us who spent money on this app, for so thoroughly botching the last version (with the worst problem remaining) as to make the game more or less non-playable. There really is no excuse or justification for this. Please fix it!
How could EA have done something so incredibly stupid??!
This used to be a fun game that was very true to the original. Now for some reason EA decided to take artistic license by changing all of the street names! Thats right, Boardwalk, Park Place etc. are gone in favor of non-recognizable British streets. Theres not even an option to go back to the normal names--the ones they have been there since the game was created in 1903!! Why EA feels the need to push new English names on us without any other option is beyond me, but it is obviously an incredibly dumb decision, and one that will alienate many players. This is akin to EA spitting upon the heritage of the game. As far as Im concerned this means its no longer really Monopoly, more like a Monopoly copycat game.
Whats worse is that the game now looks like absolute garbage--the game board now looks completely blurry/out of focus. In other words, not only are the street names non-recognizable, but it is impossible to familiarize yourself with all of the new names as they are completely non-readable due to the blurriness of the game. It is enough to give one headaches and make the game non-playable. And it was all crystal clear with the usual street names prior to the update!! Why, oh why EA???!!!
This was enough to prevent me from even getting far enough into the game to test what other players have said about the new version, that the AI when playing against the computer--which was never a strong point of the app to begin with--has gotten worse.
The crowning mockery is EAs outright lie of describing the update as behind the scenes. EA, get a dictionary. Behind the scenes means non-visible, which obviously is not the cases with EA changing all of the street names, downgrading the AI, and making everything blurry. IMO, this means EA zips 100% out of integrity by referring to the changes as being behind the scenes.
Im deleting this app until a new version comes out which un-breaks the game (or until EA wakes up from whatever drug-induced haze they were in an reverts the game back to its prior, far superior version). I strongly, strongly say DO NOT BUY THIS GAME IN ITS CURRENT FORM, as it is complete crap.
Cliffster0829 about
MONOPOLY Game, v1.2.87